Tax Search | Public Access
Tax Search
Tax Search
Tax Search
Select a search type, either
Assessment Number (PIN)
Property Address
Mailing Address
Enter search criteria into the respective fields below.
Tips for Better Searching
Either the
Assessment Number (PIN)
Street Name
is required.
The Assessor Parcel Number is a ten-digit number found on your tax bill.
To search for an account by PO Box, begin your search with "BOX" followed by the box number in the "Postal Address / PO Box" field. - For example:"BOX 1234".
To search for an account by Postal / Mailing address, enter the postal street name or street number + street name in the "Postal Address / PO Box" field. - For example:"Main" or "123 Main".
The entire parcel / account number must be entered to perform a search.
For property and postal addresses, entering less information will generally yield more results. At least three characters are required.
Completely spell out the name of the street for specific results;
entering "Mount" will not return "Mountain".
Conversely, a wildcard (*) may be used in the field to expand results. For example, entering "Mount
" would also return "Mountain".
Avoid using street types (LN, ST, AVE) and directions (N, S, E, W) to return better results.
Select the
icon next to the "Search" button for additional search tips.